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Liu Chunchao, a painter and poet, male, of Bai nationality (an ethnic group in China), was born in Lincang County, Yunnan Province, China. He is now president of Zhongshan Art Museum, a member of China Artists Association, vice-president and secretary-general of Zhongshan Artists Association, a member of the Chinese Music Literature Association, and a member of Guangdong Writers’ Association.
His paintings and art reviews have been published in various professional periodicals such as the Fine Arts, the China Fine Arts, the China Flower-and-bird Painting, the Art Panorama, in newspapers such as the China Art News and the China Art Weekly, and in the Textbook of Chinese Mineral Color Painting, and etc. And his paintings have been collected by individuals as well as many organizations such as the China Artists Association, the Ministry of Culture of PRC, the CCTV Calligraphy and Painting Research Academy, the Research Center of Chinese Mineral Color Painting, and etc. And he was interviewed and reported by Phoenix TV, a very famous TV channel in China and Southeast Asia.
Published Albums: Liu Chunchao’s Lotus Sage Series of the Chinese Excellent Artists Series;Selected Works of Liu Chunchao;Lotus Sage•Dust to Dust — Liu Chunchao’s Selected Lacquer Paintings (Vol.1) of the Contemporary;Chinese Artistes’ Selections;Lacquer: Painting and Interpreting — Liu Chunchao’s Lacquer Paintings
Published Poetry Collections:Empty Chair,Odes to Water.
Liu Chunchao, a painter and poet, male, of Bai nationality (an ethnic group in China), was born in Lincang County, Yunnan Province, China. He is now president of Zhongshan Art Museum, a member of China Artists Association, vice-president and secretary-general of Zhongshan Artists Association, a member of the Chinese Music Literature Association, and a member of Guangdong Writers’ Association.
His paintings and art reviews have been published in various professional periodicals such as the Fine Arts, the China Fine Arts, the China Flower-and-bird Painting, the Art Panorama, in newspapers such as the China Art News and the China Art Weekly, and in the Textbook of Chinese Mineral Color Painting, and etc. And his paintings have been collected by individuals as well as many organizations such as the China Artists Association, the Ministry of Culture of PRC, the CCTV Calligraphy and Painting Research Academy, the Research Center of Chinese Mineral Color Painting, and etc. And he was interviewed and reported by Phoenix TV, a very famous TV channel in China and Southeast Asia.
Published Albums: Liu Chunchao’s Lotus Sage Series of the Chinese Excellent Artists Series;Selected Works of Liu Chunchao;Lotus Sage•Dust to Dust — Liu Chunchao’s Selected Lacquer Paintings (Vol.1) of the Contemporary;Chinese Artistes’ Selections;Lacquer: Painting and Interpreting — Liu Chunchao’s Lacquer Paintings
Published Poetry Collections:Empty Chair,Odes to Water.
- 中文
- English
1996年 | “大三峡·重庆国画院***重庆直辖进京美展”金奖;
1997年 | 毕业于西南师范大学美术学院中国画系;
1999年 | 首届“《国画家》中国水墨画小品精作展”;
“全国纪念孔子诞辰2550年书画大展”; |
2001年 | “世纪星光·广东省美术书法摄影大展”金奖;
2002年 | 结业于文化部中国岩彩画研究所高级研修班;
应西南师范大学和敦煌艺术研究院之邀,驻敦煌进行壁画复制及古代岩彩画研究; 中国美术家协会第十六届新人新作展; “第二届中国岩彩画展”(铜奖); “中国美术家协会第十六届新人新作展”; |
2003年 | “第二届中国美术金彩奖全国美术作品展”;
“成就未来 工程·中国少儿美术教师优秀美术作品展览”佳作奖(最高奖); |
2004年 | 第三届中国重彩岩彩画展(铜奖);
2006年 | 在中山举办《并置•对望—刘春潮诗画作品邀请展》;
应广东省美术家协会、广东美术馆之邀出席“新中国美术与广东现象—广东美术论坛”及“广东省美协50周年”系列学术活动; 第四届中国重彩岩彩画展; |
2007年 | “第二届全国漆画展”;
“全国小幅工笔重彩作品展”优秀奖(最高奖); “第三届全国中国画展”; “第五届中国重彩岩彩画展”(优秀奖); |
2008年 | “2008造型艺术新人展”;
“漆画·漆话·刘春潮“爱莲说”漆画系列作品展”; “法兰克福中德艺术大展”; “漆画·岭南·广东2008漆画精品邀请展”; |
2009年 | “第十一届全国美术作品展览”;
“两岸四地·中国画名家邀请展”; “蔡克振从艺六十年/全国漆画邀请展”; “流光溢彩·岭南漆画世界巡回展”德国法兰克福市政大厅; “流光溢彩·岭南漆画世界巡回展”广州“抱趣堂”艺术馆; |
2010年 | “激情亚运·翰墨流芳——16届亚运会全国中国画展览”;
“上海世博会中国美术作品展”(最高奖); “煌·寰——刘春潮漆画“爱莲说”系列作品展”; “中国莲·刘春潮漆画作品世界巡回展”(德国)法兰克福美术家协会展览馆; “道法自然·岭南花鸟画邀请展”广州美术学院内岭南画派纪念馆; “时代风格·当代最具学术价值与市场潜力画家学术邀请展”北京中国国家画院; |
2011年 | “中国莲·刘春潮漆画作品全国巡回展”(珠海站)珠海诚丰美术馆;
“中国莲·刘春潮漆画作品全国巡回展”(中山站)中山书画院; “西风东渐·珠江西岸油画家提名展”; “一河两岸·刘春潮诗画作品展”; |
2012年 | “中国莲·刘春潮漆画作品全国巡回展”(香港站)香港云峰画苑;
“中国莲·刘春潮漆画作品全国巡回展”(广东站)广东画院; “中国莲·刘春潮漆画作品全国巡回展”(中山站)三彩画廊; “中国莲·刘春潮漆画作品全国巡回展”(广州站)广州艺术博物院; “中国莲·刘春潮漆画作品全国巡回展”(北京站)北京云峰画苑; “中国莲·刘春潮漆画作品世界巡回展”陈树人纪念馆站; |
2013年 | “中国莲·刘春潮漆画作品世界巡回展”(日本站)长崎KTN画廊;
“中国莲·刘春潮漆画作品全国巡回展”(澳门站)澳门宋玉生广场教科文中心展览厅; |
2014年 | 12月,“莲若禅心·刘春潮诗画艺术作品展”岭南空间;
11月,应邀参加2014年上海(第十八)艺术博览会; “视觉中国梦-艺术世界行·“中国莲”刘春潮漆画作品世界巡回展”(德国站)柏林中国文化中心; “视觉中国梦-艺术世界行·“中国莲”刘春潮漆画作品世界巡回展”(泰国站)曼谷中国文化中心; “漆重奏·广东漆画精品展”(特邀); “广东省第三届漆画作品展”(评委); |
2015年 | 12月,“净花菩提·刘春潮诗画艺术作品展”中山书画院;
4月,“中国莲·刘春潮诗画艺术作品展”日本东京中国文化中心; 2月,“暗香·刘春潮诗画艺术作品展”中山当代艺术公馆; “广东省第四届漆画作品展”; |
2016年 | 1月,“净花菩提·刘春潮诗画艺术作品展”广州美术学院;
2017年 | 应邀参展“登峰造极·中国漆画艺术作品展”尼泊尔国家美术馆;
8月,“中国莲·刘春潮诗画艺术作品展”悉尼中国文化中心; |
2018年 | “莲知般若·刘春潮漆画艺术作品展”上海王小慧艺术馆;
应邀参加“花间逸趣·中国当代花鸟画邀请展”云南美术馆; “莲知般若·诗画剑桥·刘春潮漆画艺术作品展”美国纳斯达克; “莲知般若·诗画剑桥·刘春潮漆画艺术作品展”英国剑桥大学; “莲知般若·刘春潮漆画艺术作品展”中山美术馆; |
2019年 | “莲知般若·刘春潮漆画艺术作品展”广州乔十光美术馆;
“莲知般若·刘春潮漆画艺术作品展”北京宋庄树美术馆; “莲知般若·刘春潮中国画艺术作品展”山东潍坊; |